There are three complex types in hive.
Arrays: It is an ordered collection of elements.The elements in the array must be of the same type.
Map: It is an unordered collection of key-value pairs.Keys must be of primitive types.Values can be of any type.
Struct: It is a collection of elements of different types.
If the data pattern is like 100,John$Martin$Doe (customerID,Customer First middle and lastname seperated by '$')
create table cust_struct(
custid int,
name struct<fname:string,mname:string,lname:string>
row format delimited
fields terminated by ','
collection items terminated by '$';
Loading Data
!hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal cust-struct.dat /user/hive/warehouse/cust_struct;
Extracting data
select name.fname from cust_struct;
Data pattern:
100, John$Martin$Doe, home#01234$office#00000$mobile#9999
(last field is a map but map is also a collection terminated by '$' to identify the various key-value pairs )
create table cust_struct_map (
custid int,
name struct<fname:string,mname:string,lname:string>,
phone_nos map<string,int>
row format delimited
fields terminated by ','
collection items terminated by '$'
map keys terminated by '#';
Loading Data
!hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal cust-struct-map.dat /user/hive/warehouse/cust_struct_map;
Extracting data:
select name.fname,phone_nos["home"] from cust_struct_map;
Data pattern:
create table cust_struct_map_array(
custid int,
name struct<fname:string,mname:string,lname:string>,
phone_nos map<string,int>,
emails array<string>
row format delimited
fields terminated by ','
collection items terminated by '$'
map keys terminated by '#';
Loading Data
!hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal cust-struct-map-array.dat /user/hive/warehouse/cust_struct_map_array;
Extracting Data
select custid,emails from cust_struct_map_array;
Arrays: It is an ordered collection of elements.The elements in the array must be of the same type.
Map: It is an unordered collection of key-value pairs.Keys must be of primitive types.Values can be of any type.
Struct: It is a collection of elements of different types.
If the data pattern is like 100,John$Martin$Doe (customerID,Customer First middle and lastname seperated by '$')
create table cust_struct(
custid int,
name struct<fname:string,mname:string,lname:string>
row format delimited
fields terminated by ','
collection items terminated by '$';
Loading Data
!hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal cust-struct.dat /user/hive/warehouse/cust_struct;
Extracting data
select name.fname from cust_struct;
Data pattern:
100, John$Martin$Doe, home#01234$office#00000$mobile#9999
(last field is a map but map is also a collection terminated by '$' to identify the various key-value pairs )
create table cust_struct_map (
custid int,
name struct<fname:string,mname:string,lname:string>,
phone_nos map<string,int>
row format delimited
fields terminated by ','
collection items terminated by '$'
map keys terminated by '#';
Loading Data
!hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal cust-struct-map.dat /user/hive/warehouse/cust_struct_map;
Extracting data:
select name.fname,phone_nos["home"] from cust_struct_map;
Data pattern:
create table cust_struct_map_array(
custid int,
name struct<fname:string,mname:string,lname:string>,
phone_nos map<string,int>,
emails array<string>
row format delimited
fields terminated by ','
collection items terminated by '$'
map keys terminated by '#';
Loading Data
!hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal cust-struct-map-array.dat /user/hive/warehouse/cust_struct_map_array;
Extracting Data
select custid,emails from cust_struct_map_array;
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